Saturday 12 January 2013

January 12, 2013 = Another Milestone

Today was a big day for us. We crossed another milestone off Hugo's list. It's another sign that he is no longer a baby and he is now a toddler {tear} . Hugo had his 1st Hair cut. He was such a good boy overall.

Quick photo taken just before we left.

Crazy Long Hair

At first he was a little apprehensive when Byron sat him in the Thomas Train, so Byron moved him to the next car- a white & yellow bug with daisies. He decided this car wasn't so bad - he likes the colour yellow so maybe that’s why. As you can see in the photos bellow I had to hold onto his arm to reassure him that I wasn't going anywhere & then he was fine. He like watching the other boy getting his hair cut & he enjoyed watching a bit of Puss in Boots on the TV. He even started laughing during one part.

He didn't get too much chopped off just a trim all over. It’s enough to get it out of his eyes, but still keep his adorable curls which I guess I am not ready to part with yet.

Since it was his 1st Hair cut we decided to take him to Melonheads at the Mall in Barrie which was a wee bit pricey. It was a big day for him & us so it was worth it. We received a certificate with his name, a picture of the final product & of course his hair in a tiny bag. We paid for the overall experience which was a success!!

Hugo's Certificate


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