During Hugo's first year, he was on Similac formula. For the first couple weeks we gave him the ready to serve formula that came in a can and you just pour it into a bottle. It even comes in little glass bottles, if you want to spend a bit more for this convenience. You just have to add a nipple, warm it up and it is ready to be served -- SUPER convenient. This is what they gave us at the hospital to give to Hugo. A couple weeks later we switched him to the concentrated type that you need to add water. At around 6 months we switched him to powdered formula. I figured I was starting to give him solids, so it was safe to give him powdered formula. To be honest, the powdered formula was more convenient than the canned stuff you add water to. Either way, as a result of using the powdered formula, we have accumulated a ton of these little blue scoops. I felt so bad throwing them all out because it seemed like such a waste so I kept a couple. Let me tell you, I am sure glad I did because they are so handy to have around. They work great for a lot of things, the list is endless. I keep one in Hugo's cereal bag, and at the beginning of the winter season Byron discovered they are great for the Hot Chocolate Container. Three scoops and your done!! This came in handy this past Sunday with the depressing Wintery weather we received.

Do you use these little scoops too?
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