Tuesday, 2 July 2013

27/52 - The New Lil Mr. + Pool Fun

What a difference a couple hours makes! This was Hugo Friday morning. Not too sure about the fact that I woke him up because we had to head out, but he gave me a little smile ...
As the morning progressed, however, he was not a happy boy. We went on a little road trip to Mellonheads again. I debated for a couple weeks whether to take him back or to find a place locally to cut his hair. The price and the time spent on the road to get there were my issues. Once I thought about it I figured it would just be easier to take him to Mellonheads again since the girls there only deal with kids hair cuts and he does not sit still for very long. Once he gets a bit older and is not squirming all over the place it will be a different story, but for now Mellonheads it is [plus I had to grab some stuff from the mall anyways for him].
Our morning was going ok until we had to take the elevator at the mall to get to the second level and then Hugo just lost it. He's been fine with elevators in the past, but I definitely can not say that now. He just started screaming and did not sound like he was going to stop. Once he saw Thomas and the TV at Mellonheads he stopped for a bit but it was a struggle to get him to sit, which made me realize I made the right choice going there. There was no way he would have sat still at a regular barber shop, considering he did not want to do it when he had two of his favourite things (Thomas the Train and a TV to watch).
Photos were taken with my ipod so they are grainy. Someone was not very impressed.

The rest of the morning sucked because he did not like the mall. It was like he was a different boy constantly crying and very unhappy. Once I was done grabbing everything I needed we headed home asap! This was the worst mall trip I've been on with the Lil Mr.
This was the Lil Mr. in the afternoon [after a short nap] he was a bit happier.

This past weekend was the annual pool party at my aunt & uncle's place. Hugo had  a good time. He went into the pool twice. The second time he did not want anything to do with his life jacket though because it prevented him from splashing around in the pool. The second time he went in he did not want out, he was having so much fun even though his lips were chattering non-stop.


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