Friday, 25 October 2013

SnOW & a Little Sneak Peak!

Well we have been anticipating it all week with the radio and news stations going on about it none stop and here we are Friday and it finally arrived in our area ... SNOW {insert sad face}. There should be a rule that it can not snow until a week after Halloween. The snow just makes the temperature outside much to cold for the little ones to trick or treat.

Hope everyone has been having a good week. I can not believe Friday is here already! Here's a sneak peak at what we were up to Thursday evening ...

If you missed our post about the Lil Man's last hair cut you can find it HERE. It was probably my worst trip ever to the mall with the Lil Man. Needless to say I was a little apprehensive to return there with him to trim his hair again so we decided to take matters into our own hands. We are big DIYers and this was an item on our list. Perhaps we are a little TOO adventurous ... check back next week for the out come photo!

Hope everyone has a good weekend!!

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