Thursday, 21 February 2013

Our Little Helper

Yesterday, the day started off with me trying to get our things together to head out to run some errands. While I was doing all this Hugo was finishing off his milk and decided to spill some on the ottoman (this might be Curious George's fault). He quickly walked over to my jacket & scarf (which I had put on the couch to make things easier and quicker) and he grabbed my scarf and went back to the ottoman and started to quickly clean up his milk mess - what a great helper we have ... only problem is I needed my scarf to be dry when we went out. If only he had used his washcloth like he normally does. I guess the scarf was way more handier and quicker.

Later on in the afternoon (same day), Hugo was having his blueberry snack and he dropped one, as a result, it rolled under the couch. He laid down and peeked (like the photo below except to the other side) to see if he could find it and was trying to reach it but couldn't. I told him "Mommy will go get a book and try and reach it buddy, hold on." So off I go to grab a thin long book out of his bin.

In the mean time, he was back on the floor trying to get his blueberry himself (very persistent). This time though, he was using his mini Elmo board book (which is thick) to try and get it out - he even opened the book in half to make it longer, but the book was to think & too short. I was shocked to see him doing this and that he did it all on his own at not even 16 months (he will be 16 months on the 27th of this month). I guess we really need to be careful with what we do now around him, as he picks up quick on stuff that he sees us doing!

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