Monday, 12 August 2013

Garden Update - Week of August 12th

As you know this year our garden was off to a late start and really struggled at the beginning with the yo-yo weather we kept getting in June. Surprisingly though, it is doing well

We finally had our first cucumber from our garden on the 1st of August. This year the cucumbers have been taking their sweet time.

This is the largest cucumber we've grown in our garden. It was delicious!
Our hot chili peppers are doing well this year.

The upside down tomato plant has two little tomatoes growing.  We are not getting our hopes up on these struggling little guys as they are tomato plants I started from seed and they should have been started sooner. Plus I did not use good dirt in the container and I think it is lacking nutrients.

The tomato plants in general this year at our place are struggling. The tomato plants in the garden have a couple tomatoes but they are really small and none of the tomatoes have started ripening yet. The cherry tomatoes are also not yielding very many compared to past years (however, this year I planted them in a pot and I think that may be why). Next year I will go back to planting them in the garden.

The purple beans are doing really well this year. Our snow peas and spinach on the other hand did not do that great.

This year I decided not to plant any lettuce. I found in past years it was grossing me out with the little bugs that kept growing on it and was not appealing at all to eat. To our surprise though this year, we still have lettuce in our garden and it does not have any gross bugs on it. It voluntarily came up all on its own and is looking great.

How is your garden doing this year?

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