Friday, 28 March 2014

In like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb ...

Here we are at the end of March! This winter is definitely a never ending one.  Great for some (the ski resorts), depressing for others who aren't big fans of old man winter and are ready for Spring to arrive.

Last Friday it felt like Spring had arrived. The sun was shinning, it was warming up outside, the snow was melting (no more snow on the deck) and the birds were singing such a lovely tune. It was so nice and calm. I could finally see part of my flower bed underneath the thick gross blanket of snow.

 I even saw green ...

I was almost jumping for joy. A sure sign that Spring was near or had maybe finally arrive.

Then Saturday, March 22 arrived and with it much to our surprise so did another 25 cm of snow (possible a bit more) all throughout the night. Old man winter had done it again and it's not very funny any more.

The snow was almost as high as Roxy and it just kept snowing. It was so disappointing. I must add that Friday night we had NO SNOW on the deck. Before the weekend was over, the sun began to shine again but with it the temperatures started to drop again and Winter was back. Local Ski resorts are considering staying open till possibly May.

Roxy was not very impressed ...


With all the crazy weather outside I think our Christmas cactus has became a bit confused and has been blooming again. 

The burst of colour it has brought to our living room has been lovely.
When I was out and about this week (feeling a little depressed I must add), I came across these colourful beauties.

I could not resist and had to bring them home with me.

So happy I did as they have brightened up our living room also.
The weather has became mild again. It rained today and is suppose to be mild this weekend. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the old saying in like a Lion, out like a Lamb holds true.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Monday, 10 March 2014

Sunny Skies

We have definitely been enjoying the beautiful sunshine we've been getting lately. It sure helps cheer us up especially since another nasty cold bug has struck our house again. We are so done with winter.

I decided to get some suets for the birds this year. Finally put one out on the tree this past weekend. Now we just need to wait for the birds to discover it. I miss seeing and hearing the birds singing outside. Hope they return real soon.

Hope everyone enjoys their Monday!
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