Two months ago today we said our goodbyes to a close family member. No matter how old an individual whether ten, sixty-seven or ninety, it always seems to early to say goodbye to someone until we see them again. Life is so precious.
Although it is not a first I will be recording in the Lil' Man's book of firsts, it is still a first. Two months ago today the Lil Man attended his first funeral. On August 9th we received the call that Aunt B had passed away. She is the first spouse of our parent's siblings to pass away. At times like these it is really hard not to look at life as a whole and analyze it and reflect on what is truly important.
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In all honesty I was quite worried as I was unsure how the Lil' Man would behave and I was not sure if people would see him being there as inappropriate. I did not have a babysitter and it was really important to us to attend Aunt B's funeral. If you have not realized it by now, Family is EXTREMELY important to us. Overall, considering the circumstances, the Lil Man did really well. I worried for nothing. For part of the morning I had to sit in the car with the Lil Man and we drew sad faces (pic above) as I explained to the Lil' Man that it was a sad day. Before we headed home, we received a thank you from Uncle E for bringing him with us. I guess in his own little unique way the Lil' Man kind of lightened the day a bit with his contagious smile and it brought a little bit of sunshine to a dark sad day.
I've seen the following verse before at my grandfathers funeral thirteen years ago and again on this day two months ago. I am sure I will see it many more times in the future. I always try to think of it during sad times like these as I find it comforting.
One of the prints I designed recently. Another quote that I find comforting during the death of a loved one.
I wish life was full of just happy and joyous moments, like the celebration of two people in love - a wedding, an anniversary, the birth of a child. But it is inevitable, we are here only for a while. Every breath we take and every day/ hour we spend with those dear to us is a gift in itself. This summer, during a time of celebrating happiness and joy we also experienced loss and sadness. We should not take for granted what we have. Life is just to short not to live it to the fullest and cherish every moment we get to spend with those we love.