Friday 12 April 2013

A Little Laugh for a Slippery Friday

The other day I was trying to log onto the Huggies site so I could input some Huggies codes and this is what came up instead ...

Please click on the image for the source.
I thought it was cute and just had to share it.

Now for a seedling update for this week. One of my fears of growing my own seedlings has occurred ... I may have waited a weee bit to long to water my tomato plants oopps (they were not looking to great this week -bottom right photo). They have bounced back since I watered them and I must try not to be a slacker with the watering again. Things are growing like crazy and I will soon have to repot these little guys.
The storm finally arrived last night. There was freezing rain falling all night. This is what we woke up to this morning. A thick sheet of slippery freezing rain blanketing everything - what a task it will be trying  to get to the car and then into it should be interesting.
By Sunday the weather is suppose to go to a high of 10. What a crazy Springter we are having.

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